Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Party at "The Dome"

The morning after the carnage
                                    The cute hostests! They fixed a great meal for everyone!

                                    Like a bar in your backyard! :)
                                     "The Dome"

So I'd heard rumors and seen pictures, but finally I was able to experience the dome for myself!  For the millennium Richy's neighbors decided to convert an old barn into a party place!  Complete with a fireplace, fridges for beer, and plenty of comfy seating, "The Dome" lived up to my expectations!  The party was for Richy's childhood friend Liam's 30th birthday bash! We stayed til about 2 and there were still people arriving as we were heading out!  

 I was kinda happy to dart out when we did, cause I had this feeling I was going to be asked to sing again...The only song I had in my head was the "fifty nifty United States" ya know where you sing all the states!  The singing had started and I wasn't in the mood for embarrassment.  But great to catch up and great to finally get to experience "The Dome"!  Oh and the local priest came out for an official blessing back when the dome first opened I thought that was worth noting! :)


ahol said...

Please please please learn "I'm Proud to be an American" by Lee Greenwood for your next singing episode. That one is a classic that we used to sing before class every day in third grade during the Gulf War! haha!

Joanna said...

girl i sang a solo of that in the 3rd grade! "from the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee..across the planes of Texas from sea to shinning sea...." That was my part! :)