Thursday, May 21, 2009


                                   The boys
                                  The girls
                                    My failed cheese dip...nothing can replace Velvetta.....

So with finals life has been a bit nuts! I mean it is only a test right, but for some reason this semester didn't click very well with me, so lots and lots of study was required! Anyway nearly finished now! The weekend after the 5th of May we had a little Cinco de Mayo party!  Just invited some close friends over for tacos and margaritas!  Cinco de Mayo was a new concept for my Irish friends, but they jumped on the bandwagon just like we Americans do! :) 

This weekend we are headed to Madden (the McCusker neck of the woods)  for a 30th birthday party in "The Dome"...... stay tuned!


custardbydesign said...

oh ur in for some night...

how will u relay that experience via blogland...

Joanna said...

record the night on my camera?

Emily! said...

Matt said to try colby jack next time, should melt better!!

custardbydesign said...

colby jack... good luck finding that in tesco's...

bring the camera surely...

Moo said...

Velveeta is processed cheese.. probably a similar product wrapped in foil somewhere. Better luck!

Joanna said...

nope I tried a cheese in foil...looked like velveeta, tasted like velveeta, didn't melt like velveeta

miss mary said...

well whos the new boy with the short hair cut

Joanna said...

shhh mary that is my other boyfriend! haha!

custardbydesign said...

eh - the guy with the short hair that you didnt know when he walked into the barn...

aka - YOUR SON - miss mary...

YOUR SON... you only have 2 nd it wasnt the other one...

shame on you miss mary... ha ha