Monday, August 25, 2008

My favorite walk to work!

I think I mentioned that Richy and I have moved across Dublin into a cute little flat! Pics will come be up soon! Anyway I just love my walk to work! The first part is along a canal and the second part is along a street with the Georgian houses below! Anyway love the swans! Richy and I named them Gina and Fidelma! Gina cause I tend to say "dam Gina" every now and again and Fidelma cause if Richy doesn't know someones name she is Fidelma! Officially we are weird-o's I know!


miss mary said...

live a little you can't be old and wise if you've never been young and crazy

RachelM said...

What a great walk!
I can't wait to see pics of your new flat and I'm so glad internet is back up! We've got to Skype soon!

Jess said...

what a great way to start each day. looks like a beautiful walk to work. can't wait to see pics of the new place! miss you bunches...can we please set up a phone date pronto!