Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cavan Town = Girls shopping and tea trip!

So I'm behind on the blog so I'll do my best to get caught up! Richy's Mother Mary and Sister Andrea invited me up to Cavan (where Andrea lives) After a two hour bus ride I was in Cavan! It was a really enjoyable trip! We went into some cute shopes, had tea at a fancy hotel, enjoyed a fabulous lunch and dinner, and I learned some funny stuff about Richy! hehe!

We also went to see Andrea's new house currently being built! So interesting cause homes are built completely different over here! It is going to be a beautiful house and what a great setting! complete with Irish sheep, cows, and this cute little pig! Think i've found my Razorback mascot! ha!

1 comment:

miss mary said...

hope the pig isn't the cavan girl