Thursday, April 16, 2009

guilty but love good food.....?

The guilt I have over eating the lamb is consuming my mind!!! My Dad grew up on a farm in Iowa.  When we were younger and went for trips to the farm Leah and I would spend hours with the chicks and baby pigs.    

I think we went back for Thanksgiving one year and I asked my mom where the chicks were..
Her answer was "in the freezer" 

We also had pet rabbits growing up though and I've had rabbit for dinner too...(not our a fancy restaurant)

Bottle fed lambs....sure enjoyed my lamb dinner...

I draw the line with horses, dogs, cats...  only saying that cause i know these are on the menu in some countries not to far from Ireland..

Where do y'all draw the line...or what is the strangest thing you've ever eaten???


ahol said...

There's a food chain for a reason -we should eat what's available and I've tried many an animal. However, I would probably draw the line at fish eye and snake penis soup. That is just disgusting. Never would I eat an arachnid either. No scorpion kabob for this girl...which is why i'll prbably never go to Asia!

Joanna said...

lol ahol!!!

custardbydesign said...

ahol - i see ur not shy there where the bellys concerned... or with words either concerning what you will and wont eat...


not sure how i feel about ever being invited for dinner now...